You’re damn good at what you do as a solopreneur, but there’s something missing. . .

Sarah Berry, Community Spark Founder

A virtual community for solo entrepreneur women.

Rooted in relationships, not transactions.

We get it. Sometimes being a solopreneur feels like you’re carrying an arm load of laundry up the stairs and you just keep dropping socks.

And every time you bend down to pick one up you drop something else. It’s so frustrating.

But if you were making your way up the stairs with a friend who was dropping their socks alongside you. . . you’d probably look at each other and burst out laughing. When you’re not doing it alone the whole load feels lighter.

In business, the “socks” are marketing, bookkeeping, content creation and sales copy (and sometimes instead of laughing together you’re cursing together), but the feeling you get when you’re totally seen is the same.

Our culture taught us we should be able to do it all while never letting our smiles slip (or the laundry drop). We learned that asking for help meant you weren’t “good enough” to do it yourself.

Somewhere along the line, we forgot that we need each other.

You were never meant to do it all on your own.

You don’t have to.

Community Spark is the piece you’ve been missing.

We are a virtual community for feminine solo entrepreneurs rooted in relationships not transactions.

We value and welcome your whole brilliant (and flawed) self.

Here you get to connect, offer insights, and share the “hard” with other solopreneurs. You'll find women here who will motivate you, inspire you, and hold you accountable to the dreams you have for yourself.

Farther. Faster. More Fulfilled.

How are you different from other networking and online community groups?

We are committed to helping the whole you thrive, not just your business. And in order to thrive, humans need a deep sense of belonging—we need to feel seen and connected beyond surface level. 

Being in the same place at the same time does not equal belonging. Most masterminds, networking, and community groups are fundamentally missing the structure that helps you create deep connections. 

Community Spark’s structure is designed to support the nuance of who you are while bringing us closer to each other.

Tell me more about the structure.

  • Our groups are limited to 20 people. Some groups are much smaller. No more feeling like a little fish in a great big pond.

  • During the call we spend 30 mins checking in as whole humans.

    No need to put on your work personality before joining. We care about the whole you.

    The next 60 mins are split into three 20 minute hotseats.

    Anyone can sign up for a hotseat (with some restrictions to make sure everyone has an opportunity). When you’re in the hotseat, the time is yours to get the support you need. Need to brainstorm? Get some help with marketing? Problem-solve a difficult client? Everyone is there to share their wisdom, experience, and creativity with YOU.

    Plus, you’ll be amazed an the inspiration and insights you’ll get from supporting others in the hotseat. Sometimes our creativity flourishes when not in the spotlight.

  • Marco Polo is a free video messaging app.

    You need a space to get support and connect in real time in between calls. The Marco Polo group is there for celebrating your wins, holding space when things are hard, requesting feedback, and sharing ideas.

    We use Marco Polo rather than a text-based platform like a facebook group, because we are all about connection. Being able to see each other in our elements with real-life in the background, does something that a text conversation just can't.

    Through Marco Polo you can nurture friendships and send 1 on 1 polos to each other (with consent of course). It’s the best way to form connections when you can’t be in the same place at the same time.

  • These are optional 8-week Marco Polo groups with 2-3 members for those who want consistent support and prefer to have a smaller group.

    They are particularly great if you're an introvert, and prefer to build close relationships with a few people over time.

    Having a few people you're close to can make participating in the larger group less intimidating, and it helps you to create a deeper sense of belonging.

    We want to help you find a support system that will be by your side through the ups and downs of your business for years to come.

  • Forming deep connections and finding a sense of belonging isn’t always as simple as finding a group of people you like. We have barriers like insecurity, imposter syndrome, jealousy, scarcity and fear that get in the way. That’s why we have created the Community Spark Sharecast (like a video podcast) to support you as an individual. It addresses these topics in short digestible videos, so that you can get the absolute most of your experience in Community Spark.

  • Nothing compares to seeing people in real life. We will host one in person retreat each calendar year beginning in 2025. The cost of the retreat is not included in your membership, but we do our best to keep costs reasonable.

  • We host occasional coworking calls, topic-specific mastermind groups, and roundtable discussions based on the needs and requests of the community members.

  • “Because I felt supported, I was able to act more bravely.”

    Lisa Crawford

  • "I am projecting an additional $3,200 a month that I would not have come up with without Sarah's guidance, her facilitation and the fact that she is a master at building community."

    Leslee Owen

  • "This group provided me with a lot of feedback. I've been able to implement some changes and I've already seen results!"

    Sarah McNurlin

  • "As someone who runs a one woman show it tends to get kind of lonely and it's really nice to have people who I can meet with on a regular basis, share my feelings with, share my successes, and talk about my struggles."

    Danielle Alling

  • "I feel like I got six months worth of things to work on, questions answered, and thoughts to ponder in just half an hour of this mastermind group."

    Dani Dunayczan

  • "One of the things that I have gotten from being in this group is an absolute ability to think outside the box."

    Semalee Bilbrey

The founder’s hidden agenda behind Community Spark

Hi, I'm Sarah, and I want to share a secret with you. Lean in close. The real reason I created Community Spark is that our culture has led us to believe that in order to succeed, somebody else has to lose (ahem, toxic capitalism). Most modern business practices prioritize financial gain at all costs and are oblivious to the harm being done in the process. 

Despite what we have been led to believe, we can all win and we can have a positive impact in the process. 

I want to see a cultural shift in how we do business. I'm not interested in protests and picket lines. I am interested in being part of a community that refuses to accept the status quo-- where we prioritize impact over power, connection over competition, generosity over pettiness, and our worth as humans is inherent and not based on our financial figures.

I created Community Spark so that we have a place where we can do business more effectively, ethically, equitably, and in a way that keeps us deeply connected. 

Let me be clear: I do not have all the answers. I am a work in progress, but we are figuring it out together. We are finding our way back to each other, and I am here for it.

This isn’t just a community, it's a Movement.

How do I know if Community Spark is for me?

Community Spark is for you if: 

  • Big online community groups feel overwhelming

  • You want to be real and don’t want to have to put on your “professional” mask, and you want to be in spaces where others are being real also. 

  • You're an introvert or just appreciate environments that make it easier to form authentic connections. 

  • You’re great at giving feedback to others but struggle to do that for yourself. 

  • You could really use some accountability, support and feedback. 

  • Thinking about your competition or competitive advantage feels gross and you’d much rather put that energy toward community, connection and collaboration.

  • You value finding fulfillment over gaining power.

Community Spark is not for you if: 

  • You are only looking for customers not connections. 

  • You aren’t interested in building up and supporting other women entrepreneurs.

  • You aren’t willing to be open minded, inclusive, and affirming of life styles that differ from your own.

Studies show that women who have a network of fellow female entrepreneurs are more confident, motivated, and better equipped to navigate challenges. It's like having a built-in cheerleading squad and mentorship circle all rolled into one. Plus, these connections open the door to collaborations, shared resources, and valuable insights. So, it's not just about individual success but about lifting each other up and rewriting the rules of entrepreneurship together.

I need this, but…

  • Oh boy, do we get the financial ups and downs of being an entrepreneur!

    Not to worry! We have a sliding scale that gives you up to 50% off if you need it!

    Our sliding scale is different. Our founder is a single mom of four who understands that income is not always a good indicator of what you can afford.

    That's why we based our sliding scale on your abundance rather than your income. We use the honor system and trust that you'll treat our business the same way you'd hope others would treat yours.

  • To be blunt, people in free networking groups don’t have the same level of (if any) commitment to YOUR success. The women here do, and they are dedicated to creating an interdependent community rooted in belonging that moves us all forward. They have invested their precious financial resources to prove it.

    We encourage you to take advantage of the free communities out there. If you find they aren’t what your soul is craving, we hope you’ll join us here.

  • We get it!! We have worked very hard to make sure this is a space that is inclusive of feminine introvert energy. We cap our groups at 20 and are here to help you find the people you connect with. We respect that you need to protect your energy.

  • Same. That’s why our membership is set up month to month with no registration fees. You can cancel at any time.

    We’ve all felt the sting of investing money in something only to discover it doesn’t quite hit the mark. To be honest, we don’t want you to spend your resources on something that isn’t giving you value, and selfishly, we want to keep our community filled with people who love being here.

  • We are going to be real with you. Guarantees are a marketing tactic that build a false sense of security. Your experience in Community Spark will be whatever you make it. But we can promise you a few things.

    1) We do everything we can to create a safe container for connection.

    2) We listen to our community members. We want to know what would improve your experience.

    3). We care about you as a human and as a business owner. We are always cheering you on whether or not you are a Community Spark Member.

Hear what others are saying:

Consider the Value of:

  • Ease.

    Ease your mental load and skip much of the exhausting trial-and-error process by tapping into the wisdom and experience of others.

  • Time.

    Get precious hours of your life back with a community of women helping you.

  • Impact.

    Enjoy the fulfillment that comes from being part of a movement that is shifting how business is done.

  • Relief.

    Find immense relief from having a safe space where you can shed the performance mask and be entirely authentic about the solo entrepreneurial journey.

  • Confidence.

    Feel a surge of confidence from having a community of women supporting and cheering you on.

  • Inspiration.

    Gain fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that will expand your own business horizons as you assist fellow participants in navigating their hurdles.

Become a member of Community Spark for $250/month.

Want to join but money is a bit tight? We see you. We have sliding scale options for up to 50% off depending on your need.

Current Open Group: Mondays 11am-12:30pm Pacific / 2pm-3:30pm Eastern

We know life happens so our memberships are month to month. You can cancel anytime for any reason.

We are Sparking lifelong connections.

We're not just here for the magic that happens on our weekly calls.

We are here to Spark the connections that will sustain you through the highs and the lows of being a human, a woman, and an entrepreneur. 

We are here to Spark a culture where women are loved rather than resented for unapologetically taking up space, and owning their brilliance.

We are here for present-day you and future you.

Ready to be part of something truly transformative?

We thought so. Let's do this together, because when women support women, extraordinary things unfold. Your new community will be with you every step of the way. Join us!


  • The application takes about 5 minutes to complete. It’s a handful of basic questions, and you must also confirm that you share our core values (but that doesn't mean you have to live them perfectly). Shared values keeps our community a safe space and helps deepen the sense of belonging. You’ll get a response within a week! Occasionally we’ll request a short call if we need clarification.

  • Right away! Groups are ongoing with no fixed start or end date.

  • That is totally up to you! It's less about how much time you spend and more about how meaningful your time spent is. Building relationships takes effort. The more you put in, the more you'll get out. However, we also understand that we are all human with different needs and energy levels. We trust you to find what works for you.

  • The general rule is once a month. However, there are exceptions. You can sign up more than once if your group is small enough that everyone can take more than one turn each month, or if not all three spots are filled 24 hours before the call.

  • Nope! You aren't required, but having a group of people focused on you is so incredibly helpful that we think you'll want to try it!

  • We know life happens. You don't have to be on every call. However, if you find yourself missing most of them, reach out, and we can help you find a group that works better for your schedule.

  • Yes! You'll have access to each call for four weeks.

  • If we don't have any open groups that align with your schedule, please let us know. We are happy to consider opening new groups.

Have Questions?